Gracious God... there’s so much waiting in my life. I wait for your will in my life: I wait in the long supermarket billing lines, I wait in gas-station petrol lines... I wait for a better job... I wait for others... I wait for financial security..., I wait for the doctor’s prognosis... I wait for love that I so dearly want ... I wait for pain to abate... I wait for the flowers to bloom... I wait for the berries to fall... I wait for children to grow... and... and I wait for the blessed union with You. Many times the waiting is eroding my joy and is filling me with dread. Help me find my waiting to be a friend who invites me into the spaciousness of Your stillness. Give me the grace to refrain from rushing ahead in order to bring waiting to an end. Instead, let me find real joy in the waiting itself... let me find You in all those empty and anxious waiting moments. And God, give me the grace to know that you are working in all my silence and in all my waiting. I ask this for the sake of your love. Amen.
“I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfils his purpose for me” ... Psalm