One of the most important point in a journey is to look how far I have come.... not how far I must go. Often, the depth, the distance and the long never ending terrain terrify me... I ask myself, “Can I trek all this and more?” Nevertheless, when hours of trekking are over, there is always a moment when I turn my head back, sit on a rock and look at the way done...there is always a flash of joy to glimpse the beauty of the paths I have trodden. It is a great comfort to know how I have reached upon a solid rock.
In short intervals of any long trek, it is amazing to retrospect each steps that has carried me to my new heights... how much I have calculated and placed each much pussy footings I have done on the assuring God was in the valley of my past journey. A skid on the rock or a twisted angle can be painful. Yes, only a ‘looking back’ will tell me how grand my journey was.
Life can be a joy if I learn to look and see how far I have come. I do not forget, I cannot forget, the ethereal aim which has brought me here and now. That is more important than the future.
Photo Location : The Hempta Pass Trek