Souvenirs are little symbols ... symbols for recalling experiences and evoking a response. Souvenirs always remind us of the best of times in our life.
Collecting souvenirs of the prayer moments had always been my habit. Every time I have a prayer section, I look for a little of something that I can carry home... something that tells me of the time I have had with the Lord. These symbols of prayer life evoke in my imagination a memory... a memory of the time I have had with the Lord. I call these souvenirs little trophies... little trophies which I have won in my prayer life.
The empty places always award me with souvenirs. They often come in the form of a driftwood, or a shell, seaweed or a cuttlefish. Always picked-up after the prayer moments, they are taken home to adorn the different places of my habitat. A driftwood on my study table or a small shell in my pocket keeps talking to me of prayer. You will find my souvenirs on my office table or in the guest room of my house... you will find them all over my life. Over years, they have kept their presence very much around. Yes, my precious little souvenirs have become symbols of the great moments I have had with the Lord.
When I see these little trophies, they tell me of God’ presence everywhere... they tell me of the little life that was led by these relics. And, also I believe that the God of universe kept these relics for me to pick... relics that tell me of His omnipresence! Years ago... maybe even before my birth, God planted these living shells deep down in the oceans. Were they planted for me?
As God paints our life with beautiful moments of His presence, forget not to pick a small souvenir . They will keep telling us of that time which had ticked wonderfully in our life.