Though we hear a lot of Aesop’s fables in our childhood, we never get a chance to walk around woods. I remember, as a youth, the first time I walked around woods. Everything was a surprise. Going through the unknown roads, a lot of adventure overtook me. ‘Hi’ here and ‘Hi’ there, I sprint through the forest. But as a grown up, today, it’s all different. The same woods would offer me another teaching course through life. Last time I was in the woods, I stopped a while. I began noticing myself and my relationship with her. No, I did not encounter a lion or a leopard! Yet, everything that I looked was anew. The vista that woods offer speak to me of my own roots. The silence and the stillness of huge trees enchant me. The news from the woods is the same day after day. Yet, without uttering even a word, they speak to us a million different words. Though woods are unable to move, they move our spirit and perspective.
I have read that Beethoven used to walk through the woods before he contemplated on his piano. Is it that the woods he loved and walked around, very much a part of his music too? Listening to Beethoven tells me so. The flow, the rhymes and the rhythm of his Concertos are like walking through the woods he loved.
When we walk close to nature, we come to a better understanding of life. Woods offer a certain portion of her stillness into our own living. That is the beauty of the woods.