Thursday, July 5

Keep Going and the Rule 8

ONE of the biggest challenges in daily spirituality is to remain positive and sound throughout the day. It is a greater realization that we all have a journey to make today. And everyone’s journey is unique. I want to share with you two thoughts on the way of our journey... 
With a broken and confused agenda, if a person comes to us, can we put him off by telling him about a world of problems? I think it is more important to remain pragmatic and sound. After all, how can we change things which are not in our hands?

There is a Christian Classical ( a  theological fiction) called, the Pilgrim's Progress, written by John Bunyan. It was written more than 300 years ago and is cited as the first novel written in English. But even today, every reader can take home something of value from it. I like it much because it is a story of a man who keeps on going under all circumstances. He looks forward and just keeps going little by little to his destination. True, the journey isn't easy. But a dynamism in his ethos keeps him moving on.That's a great message Bunyan has for today's world.

 2020 lockdown was a fresh chance for me to reread the Pilgrim's Progress and rediscover it better. The greatest takeaway inspiration which I have drawn from this classic is the sheer tenacity of this heaven-bound tourer to keep on traveling to his destination.   
There is another book I must tell you a little about: Jordan B Peterson's 12 Rules of Life.  It is in it we'll read about the Rule 8 : The importance of truth. Peterson’s approach to the whole theory of rules of life is hinged on the importance of truth. The vast majority of problems in society are generated by dishonesty. Simple as it is, today’s social media are out to manipulate the world. Add a spin to the truth. One of the most difficult and dangerous worlds of economic news is the manipulated statistics and market data. Millions of dollars are made or lost due to dishonest news. The scheming, sloganeering, and the propaganda machines are set to roll in the air, flooding every digital screen with falsehood.
So much so, even a bit of truth which maybe there is lost in the air!

This book makes good reading on a rainy day…

