In the world of philately, I was surprised to find out that there was a category of collectables called miniature sheets. Having seen one, I have always been a miniature collector.

Looking at a miniature sheet gives us the total picture of the postage stamp. The one who is designing the stamps, design the miniature. Then the stamp is carved out of it. In fact, the artwork of the stamp is a subset of the miniature. In miniature, we find the full picture... the full nature of the artwork. And often, the miniature is much more beautiful than the stamp. Looking at a stamp in its isolation, we can never guess the beautiful miniature from which it has come. In miniature, we can also find all the freedom that the artist has enjoyed. He stretches his imagination to draw or paint the events around the story of the stamp he is designing. In miniature, he uses peripheral events that have shaped the story of the stamp he is designing. I collect a miniature to go beyond the stamp... and to walk a while into its story.
Looking at a day in our life is like looking at a stamp. In isolation, a day may not be meaning full... a day may not be significant... a day may be mundane and boring. But, in a miniature called life, a day indeed bring a lot of colour...a lot of meaning and a lot of joys and sorrows.
I think I must look at life the way I look at a miniature sheet. Life must be looked in totality. Then the beauty emerges. But the trick God has played is that, HE never shows us the full picture of our life before it is led! ... we only knows about it as and when it is acted. After a full act, the meaning emerges...the beauty emerges... the colour and resilience emerges.
God is the master craftsman and our total life is the miniature sheet he is working at. May the work of his hands find beauty in our life and joy in our world.