LORD...as an adult I still play the “Hide and Seek”. As a child, I have done it so often. That was my favourite past time with friends at home. Remember the excitement in hiding from other... the excitement in finding our own secret places... the joy of seeing my friend miss my secret location by a breath of moment. And, what a joy it is to discover the one we are searching for! We scream and yell when the person we are looking for is found.
Ironically LORD, you never leave our life there. The little acts of my childhood moulded me for the real life acts. The apprenticeships in my childhood leave me with memories of shadows that speak to me every day. And, as an adult LORD, I still play the “Hide and Seek”.
It was many years ago that I read a book written by a physiotherapist titled “Games people play”. I do not remember if “Hide and Seek” is mentioned there. But today, I know that life offer its own version of “Hide and Seek” to me. In that life-game, some of things that I have deliberately hid have been lost by me.
LORD, in this Lent season, give me the grace to find out the ‘hid and the lost’... to find out what was tossed away and ignored. Yes, LORD... What do I cherish with my life? What is it that I hid from?
LORD, make this Lent a time when I can rediscover the things... things I have lost ... things I have deliberately hid and run away from. May I welcome your gospel of repentance and the offer of life in abundance. May I walk these six weeks of Lent, searching for the missing... and coming to know the One who continually searches me.
Thanks for the Lent... Amen and Amen