Sunday, May 30


As the evenings grow dark and as gloom surrounds me on a rainy evening, it is time for reading. With occasional winds and power failure, I always keep a candle ready to light. The books take me to all the dream worlds far away: to the hills and mountains, to the monasteries and to the sacred chants. And when it’s all over, I look at the watch and find that I am late for the bed. The home is deep at sleep. So too is my pet, Jill.  However softly I tiptoe to my bed, Jill will open her eyes to take a close look. I cannot escape her, as she will slowly wag her tail to tell me that she has seen me go.
The heat is gone and the nature seems to take relief upon the early showers. The rains take only a couple of efforts to cool Kerala. As for me, the candle lit readings that go with the dim evenings are truly heart rendering.
The old wind chimer hanging near my reading desk is busy these evenings.  They cannot make those usual cordial summer notes.  Still, in this early monsoon, they seem to call my attention. I think there is something special about it all: I simply love the magic of reading through these mystical moments. 

The Cock

A group of youths took eggs to a Turkish bath where Nasrudin was expected. Each of them took seats and hid one egg underneath them.
When Nasrudin came into the steam-room where they were sitting, they said: ‘Let us imagine we are fowls, and see whether we can all lay an egg now. The one who fails shall pay the bath fee for all’
Nasrudin agreed.
After a little cackling, each one took an egg from underneath their seat and held it out. Then they asked Nasrudin for his contribution. ‘Among so many hens’, said Nasrudin, ‘there will surely be one cock?’ 
...... [Quoted from 'The Pleasantries of the Incredible Mulla Nasrudin' by Idries Shah]
