Friday, May 18

... a saint in the making

ASSUME that the acts we do are morally good in themselves. Then each task or duty is like a blank check; the value it possesses depends on whose name is signed to it, on whether it is done for the I’s sake or for God’s sake. Motive is what makes the saint; sanctification does not depend on our geography, nor on our work or circumstances. Some people imagine that if they were in another place, married to a different spouse, had a different job, or had more money, they could do God’s work so much better. The truth is that it makes no difference where they are; it all depends on whether what they are doing is God’s will and one for love of Him. 

 We can take whatever God gives us, and we can make the supernatural best of it. The typist working on routine letters, the street cleaner carrying a broom, the farmer tilling the field, the doctor bending over a patient, the lawyer trying a case, the student with books, the sick in their isolation and pain, the teacher drilling pupils, the mother dressing the children - each such task, every such duty, can be ennobled and spiritualized if it is done in God’s Name.” 

from  ‘Sanctifying the Moment’  by Archbishop Rev. Fulton J Sheen    

Photo from personal file. 
Location : The calm sea at Kapadu Beach. 

Sunday, May 6

... enjoy the ride

The ride called life is always a riddle that I seldom attempt to solve. 
That is the thrill every ride offer… that is the thrill in every day living. Like a little boy wondering what is inside the wrapped gift he got from Santa on the Christmas eve, everyday is a wrapped gift that God offer to me... and I  wonder what it has inside !! 

Someone said, “Accept and embrace change. However good or bad a situation is now, it will change. That’s the one thing you can count on. So, embrace change and realize that change happens for a reason. It won’t always be easy or obvious at first, but in the end it will be worth it…  And, above all, laugh when you can, apologize when you should and let go of what you can’t change. Life is short yet amazing.”

Keep fit and enjoy the ride. 
Leave the rest in God’s Hands. 
That’s important.

P.S. : Soon, in a month's time rains will come. Malabar's Sunny beaches will wear a different color. 
  Life changes for everyone here.   
