Thursday, December 4

Looking for God Everywhere: Prayer and Reflection

The Bible tells us that God is ever close to us. The Universe He created is confessing His workmanship everywhere.

There has been an attempt by humans to unify with God since ages. From stone age to modern man this is the story: man trying to get hold of God. He tries to find it in wood and stone, he tries to find it in cows and snakes, he tries to find it in metals and direction, he tries to find it in all His creation. The saddest part is that the creator is forgotten and the creation becomes the point of his worship. That's bad!!

Then came the sacrifices . In fact Holy Bible tells us a lot about it in the Old Testament. God takes pages and pages of the Bible to explain how an animal sacrifice is to be done. Later He goes on to tells us this, " I have no need of a bull from your stall or of goats from your pen, for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills"

Today I ask, " How can I look for God in my everyday living?" There are two ways I go about with it: Prayer and Reflection. There can also be ways to find God in the weak and the suffering around us. The moving force of any attempt to connect to God is the knowledge that He is ever standing at our door with a knock…" Behold, I sand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me"

If prayer is the most essential communication in relation to God, what is reflection? Reflection as practiced purposefully becomes prayer in itself.

Reflection is a conscious attempt to see the hand of God in the daily ways of our life. It is to look in quietness at the One who is the creator of everything in the Universe . I'll see God as the sun's rays falls on my shoulders and the warmth of the sunlight touches me, I'll see God as I put my feet on the gentle warm sands of the sea shore... I'll see God as I saunter slowly around my parish church whispering praises to His name… I'll see God as I listen to the roaring sea by the sea side… I'll see God as I settle by the side of a lonely lake and gently read the Bible… I'll see God as I stroll over the morning dew socked grass blades and as they tickle under my feet… I see God as I quietly watch the starry sky and feel one among them !

Adore God in prayer and reflection.

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