Some days ago, we heard a lot of news about the world nations thrashing out a plan to cut toxic wastes and CO2 emissions. Each time people sit together to talk of cutting toxic wastes, the so-called developed nations and the developing nations differ in their approach to this problem. For a common man it does not matter so long as his life runs as usual. When it ceaselessly rains, two things can happen: a rich man’s villa may become a nasty ‘water front’ and he realises the value of respecting nature and her forces. And the poor... perched with whatever they have on their head, they’ll ford through this water, mud and slime to reach safe-heavens.
Whenever world sits together to dialogue on environmental issues, it gives me faith in humanity that something is at work positively. However, it is with trepidation that I observe how world religions are voting these issues. Different belief systems have different approach to ecology and nature. By and far, all religions have shades and beliefs that uphold environment as a work of God. In the Eastern tradition, environment has been always revered for its mystery and power. When incorporating the best of simple living, the Buddhists have been most successful in displaying a life of frugality in these modern times. Monasticism in Christianity and Sufism in Islam are fighting for survival. The eco-friendly living habits that these communities cherished have long lost its message and meaning.
As world communities battle out to sustain the environment, simple lifestyle should be at the heart of any planning. I ask myself, “What happened to the time I worked with my hands and feet?” Leading a simple life at an individual level is the beginning of the best for the world ecology. Religion should be a call for encompassing the ecology with sustained living.
Whenever world sits together to dialogue on environmental issues, it gives me faith in humanity that something is at work positively. However, it is with trepidation that I observe how world religions are voting these issues. Different belief systems have different approach to ecology and nature. By and far, all religions have shades and beliefs that uphold environment as a work of God. In the Eastern tradition, environment has been always revered for its mystery and power. When incorporating the best of simple living, the Buddhists have been most successful in displaying a life of frugality in these modern times. Monasticism in Christianity and Sufism in Islam are fighting for survival. The eco-friendly living habits that these communities cherished have long lost its message and meaning.
As world communities battle out to sustain the environment, simple lifestyle should be at the heart of any planning. I ask myself, “What happened to the time I worked with my hands and feet?” Leading a simple life at an individual level is the beginning of the best for the world ecology. Religion should be a call for encompassing the ecology with sustained living.
Faith should be radiance for sustaining God’s creation and beauty.
The Bible says, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” My stewardship calls for taking care of Master’s garden.
The Bible says, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” My stewardship calls for taking care of Master’s garden.
Can I?
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